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Preventing ADU Errors

When constructing an ADU, it is important to be aware of common mistakes people make so that you don’t make them yourself. Preventing these ADU errors will not only save you time but also money on your project. Educate Yourself The best thing you can do to avoid common ADU mistakes is to educate yourself on the […]

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Dumpster Rental Cost

These days, we all probably have spent a lot of time at our house. Perhaps you swept and found that in your cellar, attic, or workshop you have a lot of things you don’t need and want to get rid of. If this is the case, it’s a brilliant idea to find a dumpster. Wherever you […]

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What If Penrose Stairs Had Iron Spindles?

Artist M.C. Escher created a disturbing illustration in 1960 after discovering something known as the Penrose stairs. His illustration, Ascending and Descending, depicted a four-sided staircase that created an eternal loop. Every staircase in the loop appears to ascend to a higher level. Unfortunately, what Escher depicted is impossible. The Penrose stairs are a classic […]

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