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Types of storm shelters

Home Improvement

The first human instinct if anyone hears the word storm would be fear and anxiety. After that fear hits, the next human instinct is the need to protect the family and themselves from these natural calamities. Texas is one of the most affected regions for thunderstorms and tornadoes in America. If enjoyment is being a Texan, the thought of protecting loved ones is inseparable. Texas grade storm shelter is the answer to your fear.

What is a Texas-grade storm shelter?

A texas grade storm shelter is a substantial room built in a building or outside a building to protect you from hurricanes, extreme windstorms, and tornados. There are three types of storm shelters.

· Steel safe rooms

These are rooms made of tough steel in the shape of a steel box. They are easy to install. If there is space, place it, and access it from within the house in case of an emergency. The best features of these strong rooms are-

  1. These rooms have walls with a thickness of ¼ inch steel.
  2. Even the flooring is made of steel, making it very strong and secure.
  3. FEMA guidelines approve them; this assures that they meet the tests to withstand any degree of storms.
  4. It can be installed within the house, making it convenient to enter.

If there are plans to go for this one, just consider a few points that these rooms can be custom made and are wheelchair accessible, so if it meets the requirements, consider them.

· Concrete Storm shelter

These are made of solid material that does not conduct electricity. This substantial room is built as an outdoor extension and is large enough to hold all the family members. The best features about this storm shelter are

  1. It is made of rigid material, so no conduction of electricity.
  2. It is suitable for homes that do not have a garage or enough yard space.
  3. There is no chance of any flying debris entering the room as it is very stable.

If the choice is to install a Concrete storm shelter, then consider a few things. Firstly, is there enough space in the yard for a structure to be installed? The form’s size is 14 inches in height and 10 inches in width, so plan accordingly.

· Underground Garage shelter

These strong rooms are built in the basement under the garage. It is a good feature because it allows a person to access it from within the house. If required, the vehicle is easily approachable. If one chooses an underground garage shelter, then the point to understand here is that it does not take up much space, so there is no problem opting for it.


There are many dealers dealing with texas grade storm shelter. Assess the needs and the kind of space that can be provided for installation, then choose the manufacturer. All of the storm shelters have to be FEMA-approved to pass the stability test. According to the Texas Tech University Wind Institute survey, thirteen houses that had registered the safe rooms were not injured or killed. It is a must to have a storm shelter in the house for protection and peace of mind.