Terrazzo – An Extraordinary Flooring Style
The floor is one of the essential aspects of the house. The floor needs to be designed with special treatment so that it will look beautiful. Besides, the floor should be made in good quality so that it can be survived for a long time. There are some kinds of the extraordinary floor. The first type is polishing. The polishing floor combines some elements such as chemical densifiers, grinding techniques, and equipment. The second type is the pavers. The paver floor utilizes some elements such as concrete pavers, stone, and others. Another type is the overlay floor. The specific character of the overlays floor is the natural look of the stamped concrete. The unique floor is made from epoxy. This floor used some chemicals such as epoxy, urethane, and resin to form such a beautiful floor.
Choosing the Terrazzo as Flooring Style
In order to get a high quality of the floor, it is suggested to use the flooring agency. The agency will provide the best materials to make the floor. In addition, the flooring agency will offer the professional technician to install the floor. Some flooring agencies can be chosen. BituTerrazzo® is one of the best flooring agencies. It has a lot of materials and flooring styles that can be chosen. One of them is Terrazzo. What is Terrazzo? In the term of terminology, the Terrazzo means flooring. It is a word of the Italian language. In real life, Terrazzo is a kind of flooring style that is often used in many Italian homes. The specific design of Terrazzo is stones that are combined like a mosaic to produce a great floor design. Generally, Terrazzo is made from two layers. The upper layer is called as Terrazzo facing. Meanwhile, the lower part of Terrazzo is made from sub-concrete. There are some materials used in the making of Terrazzo such as cement, brick chipping, and other minerals.
The Advantage of Using Terrazzo as Flooring Style
The Terrazzo flooring style is a traditional flooring technique. However, it is still used in the recent building due to its beauty. The Terrazzo flooring style provides a lot of advantages. The first one is the practical properties of the Terrazzo flooring style. Terrazzo can be a hard-wearing floor. It also has resistance to moisture. As a result, Terrazzo can be used for a long time even for some decades. The Terrazzo flooring style is also made from strong material. The Terrazzo is difficult to be destroyed. The surface of Terrazzo flooring can be maintained by using some methods such as sanding and polishing. As long as it is maintained correctly, the surface of Terrazzo will look new.
The Services of BituTerrazzo®
BituTerrazzo® is a special flooring agency for installing Terrazzo. It provides good materials and highly skilled technicians. The Terrazzo from BituTerrazzo® is easy to be laid on the large areas. Therefore, the people who have a large building can be satisfied with its service. Besides, BituTerrazzo® also provides some good materials such as stones, metal granules, and mastic asphalt to make a good variation of Terrazzo.