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Is the Cost of Living in a City Worth it?

Home Improvement

If you would ask me, Is the Cost of Living in a City Worth it? I would say yes, if it’s pre-pandemic and why? I was born and raised in the Rural or Provincial Area. And I knew for a fact myself that I don’t like slow-paced lifestyles or things.

That’s why after I got my college degree. I have worked in Corporate busy City and Metro for the past 16 years. Who wouldn’t like the fast-paced pace exciting lifestyle of a Wall Street career corporate raider wanabee?

Now that I’m back in the Rural area due to my parent’s request. For 2 weeks already, I started missing the City lifestyle. I mean the fast transactions and the coolest events on the planet. You can always find that in the busiest Cities and Metros across the globe.

People would say that living in the City is expensive, well I agree with that. Because I paid 10x more than the cost of rental in that Central Metro living. Compare this to living a modest lifestyle in a rural area. Even the cost of living was 50-100x more expensive when I lived in Emirates Palace, a 7-star hotel in Abu Dhabi back then for a week.

To float like a butterfly and fall like a King sometime in my life. Speaking of that, If you live your dreams you are willing to sacrifice and pay the price of what you are truly looking for. My sister lived in the US and my other Sister is in Canada. Speaking of that, I’ve always wanted to visit them and do winter sports at the same time. So I can really reenact the true lifestyle of my favorite tremendous sportsman Hollywood icon James Bond.

Cost of Living

Because of Covid, my travel plans were all messed up. Now my options are open where to settle down or let’s just see what are the best options in buying a home as an investment like when you are looking for US, Asian, or Canadian Properties like this in Calgary which is near the US and Canadian border.

So I might be browsing at these cool properties in between. Like seeing those Calgary Homes for Sale properties. I love adventure, so I can venture to be an Asian, American, and Canadian investor-traveler at the same time visiting my sisters and friends in the area. Aside from that doing the real estate investments in the area. Aside from enjoying the mighty Wintersport, hockey as well as the Canadian moto and F1 Grand Prix.

Because of the pandemic, people might think that property values are going down. Might be, yes and no! But theirs also a lot of opportunities if you play the real estate smart. In every government aid and opportunity, some may avail of the City incentives and tax benefits. If you just know exactly what you are doing.

I might be thinking outsmart when it comes to property investment, but some areas in the US and Canada are rich in oil, people technical skills, and technology Silicon Valley hub. You might a little bit diversify your investments when living or just make investments in these expensive city zip codes.

But then again, I will always choose to live in the City and consider the Province or Rural area as a vacation home. Because of the action and excitement lives in the City. The techno bubble and significant happenings are in the City. So I need to live my dreams full of excitement action adventure. So see you there!